Thursday, June 26, 2008

More fun than bargained for on vacation!!!

Seaside, Oregon...that's where my family and I have been going on vacation for the last 6 years. It's always entertaining with the shops, kite flying, fireworks, ocean activities and general small town feel. This year however, we got a lot more excitement than we bargained for.

Just as my brother and I were leaving the pool (it closes at 10pm) our resorts fire alarm goes off and the building is evacuated. While everyone is out on the boardwalk and beach front there are fireworks being blown off on the beach (which is illegal in OR) and everyone enjoyed it. However, the police arrived quickly and stopped the show. Meanwhile the fire department arrives promptly, finds no problem and we are allowed to return to our rooms. Just as everyone at the resort files back to their rooms from the beach front a fight breaks out randomly and 2 local boys try to jump a couple of young men from nearby Warrenton.

The best part about this whole this whole thing is the cops were close by when you needed them! Someone yelled for the police and the fight broke up instantly. The kid that started the fight limped off because he picked a fight with someone who knew how to handle himself and he body slammed this guy on the concrete sidewalk near the turn-around. Needless to say it was pretty funny. gets better!

Now the police are getting statements and descriptions blah blah blah, all the while we find out that these 3 or 4 girls dropped these guys off and they were driving a white Ford Explorer. Soon after the police left the Explorer rolls through the turn-around at like 30mph most likely looking for their guy friends. Several people are all outside talking about this and the explorer rolls up again a few minutes later! This time though they have the windows down and they are playing the theme song from the "COPS" tv show! OMG was all I could think as I was nearly rolling on the ground. This Explorer rolled by 5 times in total within half an hour of the fight and they gave us the finger, made remarks etc. all the while bumpin' the "COPS" theme. They were actually trying to sing it ha ha ha.

It made me feel like I was watching "Bad Boys 2" where Martin Lawrence was trying to sing that song and no knows the words ya know? Just the damn chorus that sucks beyond all reason. Anyway, I felt compelled by "good form" to blog of my vacation adventure and state that this in NO way detracts from me wanting to vacation here. THE END!

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